I have been working on something for next year. I'm planning an integrated geography and culture study. I am adding in a bit of history, science, and literature. I have tried to use resources I already have and books or dvds from the library. There will be some new things, but I am trying to keep that to a minimum.
Really, most of these ideas are not my own. I'm borrowing bits from the Sonlight Core 5 program as well as a modified version of SL5 that someone sent to me. Also, I'm including ideas on earth science from Mater Amabilis. I only take credit for blending from many wonderful resources. This is still a work in progress.
This week, however, I have been trying to create a template to use as a weekly schedule for this program. For the technically challenged as I am, this is more difficult than it should be. I wanted to share what I've come up with so far, which is just the basic schedule form. It doesn't include the books or breakdown of the weeks. Even sharing this form was a challenge for me. At any rate, here it is.
Geography and cultural studies schedule form
I wish you blogged more! I always enjoy your posts on the WTM boards (I am momto2Cs over there) I tagged you on my blog... http://fromtherootsup.blogspot.com/2011/10/homeschool-reshttpwwwbloggercomimgblank.html